Business Feng Shui


Wall Street Chinese has been working with real estate developers, property management companies, Restaurants, Jewerly store. We worked with corporate clients such as Standard Bank, Stonehenge property management, Zuma restaurants etc in Business Feng Shui consulting.

1. Feng Shui consulting for residence, office & commercial space
It is an on-site consultation at apartment, office or commercial space. The consultant will identify and fix any Feng Shui flaws that might negatively affect business performance. Upon request, we can provide a Feng Shui evaluation report with analytical data and recommendations to improve the overall quality of your working environment. A one-to -one consultation with the home owner or business owner is included in the service.

2. Feng Shui consulting for small business owners

Running a successful business depends on working space, environment, communication, employees, and other factors. We provide an overall analysis on your business including locations, structures, management team, and employees to help you make better strategic decisions. A one-to-one consultation with the business owner/manager and a professional Feng Shui evaluation report with case studies will be provided with this service.

3. Feng Shui consulting for real estate developers

We provide a comprehensive Feng Shui consulting service for real estate development projects during design, planning, constructing and sale stages. This service is designed for real estate developers with big commercial, residential or mixed use combination projects. A professional Feng Shui evaluation report with case studies and suggestions/corrections will be provided with this service.

4. Business Feng shui consulting for corporations
Running a successful business depends on to working space, environment, communication, employees, and other factors. We provide an overall analysis on your business including locations, structures, management team, and employees to help you make better strategic decisions. A one-on-one consultation with the business owner/manager and a professional Feng Shui evaluation report with case studies will be provided with this service.